Yes! Any number of different ways that are specific to your team.
First of all, you should know that custom fields can be included in your Schedule, if you are interested in this, please read the F.A.Q. about that.
The rest of the options to customize the Schedule are not found within the Theme Options, but instead are found in Team Roster > Schedule Types. The advantage of those options being found here is that you can change the options depending on what kind of event it is. For example, you may want to show different information for a Game vs. a Practice vs. an All-Team Meeting.
- Within the WordPress admin, through the main menu, browse to Team Schedule > Schedule Types.
- Choose which Type you want to edit, for example Games. (Or you can create new ones)
- You can edit its name, slug, and description, as well as these other pieces of information:
- Schedule Type Tabs Order: This will allow you to reorder the tabs however you would like them, for example to put Players in front of Coaches. Use a number like 1-5.
- Item Order: Do you want the dates in chronological order, or reverse chronological order?
- Display Schedule Detail Page: If you don’t want a custom page for every event, then you can turn off those individual pages and just stick with the listing of events only.
- Display Opposing Team: Games will have opposing teams, but Practices and other events may not.
- Display Result: If you want the result of the game: Win vs. Loss, and the Score to show up.
- Custom Fields: All of your custom fields will be listed here as well, so that you can turn them on/off depending on what Type of person is being displayed.