If you make modifications to the Sports Team Theme files, and then update the theme, you will lose all of your changes. Sports Team Theme includes a child theme with the theme download. It is highly recommended that you activate the child theme rather than Sports Team Theme itself. The advantage of doing this is that if you ever need to make modifications to the theme files (PHP, CSS, or Javascript) then you already have the child theme that allows you to customize what you need to.
Learn more about using Child Themes in WordPress.
If you don’t already have the child theme, here are instructions on how to get and use it:
- Download the sports team child theme template.
- Upload the theme into WordPress through the dashboard or FTP.
- Activate the child theme, it should now look and behave exactly like Sports Team Theme.
- Copy from sports-team-theme folder to the new folder certain files that you need to overwrite, such as header.php or footer.php, they will override the parent themes.