How do I customize the main menu?

If you have created other pages (such as an “About Our Team” page, “Contact Page” or anything else that is not currently in the menu, then you should use WordPress’ menu builder.

  1. In the WordPress backend, within the sidebar, click on Appearance and then choose Menus.
  2. Look for the Screen Options tab up in the top right of the WordPress interface, click it and then under Show on Screen section check all of the available boxes, this will be helpful if you need to add Roster, News, or Schedule Types to your menu.
  3. Use the left area to check which Pages, Rosters, Games, etc you want to add to the menu and then click Add to Menu.
  4. If you need to re-add the main sections to the menu, you can do this two ways. First, if you have followed #2 above, you can go to a section like Team Roster on the left, and click the View All tab, then choose the top option Team Roster. Otherwise you can use the Custom Links functionality and type the addresses manually like this:
    • News:
    • Roster:
    • Schedule:
    • Gallery:
  5. Now drag and drop the menu items into the order and hierarchy that you want them appear in.
  6. Finally, click the Save Menu button at the top or bottom right.

There is a video that explains more of the Menu Builder tool that you can watch here.