I have worked on a number of other software products, both related to WordPress and unrelated to WordPress. Some of these products have gone on to become large players in their market, and others haven’t gone far (yet!)
WordPress Products:
- Sports Team Theme: My first theme sold well for a long time. It has since slowed down and isn’t available for sale any more.
- WP Family Blog: This was a blog theme for mom blogs and families that sold ok, but never did super well.
- Archive Control: My first plugin, it’s available for free out on the WordPress plugin directory. For helping organize archive pages on your WordPress site.
- WP Client Reports: This is a plugin I developed to help run site maintenance reports for those that do monthly maintenance for their clients.
Other Products:
- Simple Estimate: This was my first attempt at a SaaS type of product. It helped with project estimates for agencies and development shops.
- Invite.social: This free online event website allows organizers to collect responses from attendees and customize their event website to their liking.
- Agency Search: This was site I made to list all of the advertising agencies in Minneapolis, but ultimately never put enough work into finding all of the links to fill in all of the cities nationwide.
- Boxed Up Fun: I made this site with some friends to share our favorite board games.
- Signature.email: This is my primary product. It helps company’s create email signatures that can be easily passed out to the entire team.
- State of Shirts: The idea is to make t-shirts that feature two US states, like Minnesota and Wisconsin.
- Votes Out: This is a party game on your mobile phone that allows your group to come up with creative answers and compete for votes.
- Tally Count: This is an online tally counter app that allows you to count just about anything, it even features real time and stats functionality.
- Groundwork1: GW1 is a simple learning management system that sends out trackable employee training emails.
- Kiln Fire: Pottery studio management software that collects money for firing fees, memberships, supplies, classes, and more.
The software I have developed represents the culmination of countless hours of hard work. It has been a remarkable journey from conceptualization to implementation, and I am proud of the results it has produced. Each of these pieces of software provides a valuable solution to real-world problems.
As technology continues to evolve, I am excited about the potential for further improvements and expansion of each of these products, with the ultimate goal of making a positive impact on individuals and organizations alike. The journey is far from over, and I look forward to the ongoing development and success of each of them.