Sports Team Theme gives you many options to customize your theme. You can find all of them in the Theme Options menu in the bottom of the left sidebar within the WordPress interface. Here is a list of what you can customize:
- Sports
- Team Logo
- Header Background Color
- Header Text Color
- Link Color
- Headline Color
- Headline Font Choice
- Home Banners Size: 2/3’s Width, or Full Width
- Custom Background Color
- Custom Background Image
- Custom Background Image Repeat
- Custom Background Image Attachment
- Default Number of Home Banners
- Current Season
- Contact Email Address
- Footer Text
Roster Section
You can customize the Roster per group, so you can display different information based on whether it is a Player, Coach, Volunteer, etc! Found in Team Roster > Roster Types.
- Order By: Date Created, Jersey/Uniform Number, Alphabetical, Custom Order
- Item Order: Ascending or Descending
- Display Detail Pages
- Display Photo
- Display Position
- Display Number
- Custom fields! (Defaults: Height, Weight, Grade)
Schedule Section
You can customize the Schedule per kind of event, so you can display different information based on whether it is a Game, Practice, Meeting, etc! Found in Team Schedule > Schedule Types.
- Item Order: Chronological, or Reverse Chronological
- Display Schedule Detail Pages
- Display Opposing Team
- Display Result
- Display Cost
- Custom fields! (Defaults: Cost)